Professional Portfolio
"Operations keeps the lights on, strategy provides a light at the end of the tunnel, but project management is the train engine that moves the organization forward."
~Woody Williams
*Scroll through the slideshows below to view:
Project Overviews
Project Objectives
Project Challenges
Project Outcomes
Project Data
Grow with Google - AI Essentials |
Program Manager
July 2023 - March 2024​
540 hour Project Management Bootcamp |
Learning & Mastering New Skills
UC Berkeley Extension
Oct. 2020 - Feb. 2021​
Nocturne - X Project |
Project Manager In Action
Numina Labs
Aug. 2021 - Oct. 2021​
Main Dance Floor | Interactive Plant 1Most of the flora were sound and motion reactive, all changed colors. |
Planet Surface w/ Tree | Nocturne-X Stage |
Nocturne Cave Empty | Nocturne Underground |
Planet Surface - Erik's Island | Interactive Plant 2Most of the flora were sound and motion reactive, all changed colors. |
Project Artists at Event | Explorers |
Artist Performing at EventLove Wolf was the Fabrication Team Project Manager, helped create the art for several portions of the instillation, and performed at several events. |
*Note: the following projects were created as part of the Technology Project Management bootcamp course via UC Berkeley Extension, and as such the names of the companies, projects, and products are ficticious or theoretical.
Messy Project |
Final Cumulative Project
March 2021​
Objective: The cumulative project for the course was a "messy" project which required the ability to pick up the pieces after a project was pulled from a competing organization due to poor project management.
Challenge: I had to utilize my best judgment in building a project proposal based on the questionable and unreliable requirements provided to win over the client in the face of their disappointment with the previous company's failure. The client was unavailable for further requirement gathering or clarification.
Solution: I opted to implement an Agifall hybrid methodology and justified my decisions in the slide deck above. You can see the supporting documents (WBS, project budget, risk register, Gantt chart, etc.) by clicking the "view more" button above.
Outcome: I earned an "A+" on this assignment due to my thorough documentation, accurate use of the Agifall hybrid methodology, and ability to meet the project requirements of the stakeholders while minimizing risks.
Company Website​ |
Team Project
January 2021
Objective: Create a company website for a fictitious business.
Challenge: Required to use Google Sites, must be completed in a single sprint, and no one on my team was a developer.
Outcome: I was the lead PM on this team project, the project was completed on time and all requirements were met. We earned an "A+" on the assignment.
Click here to see my reflections on the project at each stage of development.
Jira with Confluence​ |
Personal Project
December 2020
I was thrilled to have the opportunity to utilize Jira with Confluence on several projects during the course.
Objective: Utilize Jira w/ Confluence to manage a personal project of my choosing and thoroughly document the process.
Challenge: Project must have several dependencies and be able to meet the 2-sprint deadline. The project must be documented in the format required by the instructors.
Outcome: The project was completed on time and risks were mitigated. I earned an "A+" with positive comments on my ability to document thoroughly and with an eye for organization.
Principles of |
Project Managment
November 2020​
Objective: Utilize the Waterfall methodology to manage a project.
Challenge: Attend to the rigorous documentation required under Waterfall by creating project charters, Gantt charts, project schedules, budgets, lessons learned, and Work Breakdown Structures (WBS).
Outcome: All requirements were met and delivered on time. I earned an "A+" on this assignment.
Click the blue-button to see all of the associated documents for this project.
Software Development Life Cycles |
Project Management Methodology Comparisons
October 2020​
Objective: Create a presentation that outlines the frameworks, advantages, and challenges of the seven most common software development life cycle (SDLC) methodologies.
Challenges: You must create any visual aids and cite all of your sources. Compare and contrast the different usability values for Waterfall, Agile, Agile with Scrum, Lean, Extreme Programming, and DevOps SDLC methodologies. Designate and justify the ideal methodology to utilize for "Project Harmonize" based on your usability values and Kyzen's strategic perspectives.
Outcomes: My presentation clearly outlined three key roles, budgetary considerations, a summary, and an infographic for each methodology. It also recommends that the Agile with Scrum methodology would be ideal for "Project Harmonize" and includes clear justifications based on the requirements of the project and Kyzen’s strategic perspectives. I earned an "A+" on this assignment.
Previous Projects
Event Management​ |
Humbledent Leader
"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results."
~Andrew Carnegie
I dedicate a large portion of my free time to collaborating with others on art projects, event production, volunteering, creative endeavors (dance, flow, etc.), and opportunities for community engagement.
I find that most activities are more fun with friends, and enjoy capitalizing on the fact that "many hands make for light work" in order to accomplish grand projects and spectacular events.
Production & Events |
Cross-Functional Leadership
"It's only after you've stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform."
~Roy T. Bennett
I thrived while managing two-thirds of a family-owned LED performance prop production company in Emeryville, CA.
I successfully improved production efficiency, staffing and onboarding processes, and documentation protocols for knowledge transfer over time. I managed the in-house production team and oversaw teams that were working remotely at a variety of locations across California for on-site outdoor events.
I also managed a new-to-San Francisco brewery for the first two years that it was in business so successfully that the company was able to expand to a second location ahead of schedule. I wrote the employee manual, ensured legal compliance, and oversaw the cash accounting. I managed all vendor relationships, and inventory needs, and managed all our events. I was also responsible for all front-of-house staffing needs (hiring, training, retention, and off-boarding).
I am proud to say that I received positive accolades from the owners, colleagues, and direct reports for the work I accomplished and the management strategies I utilized at both companies.
Teaching |
Where Empathy Meets Organization
"The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see."
~Alexandra K. Trenfor
My experiences as a teacher have significantly influenced my philosophy and strategies as a manager. I utilize clear communication, regular check-ins for understanding, procedural documentation, as well as supportive reasoning to encourage greater buy-in from staff. I also create and facilitate opportunities for staff engagement and learning to support professional development and business growth over time.
Every day as a teacher required thorough planning, the utilization of data-driven processes, flexibility, continuous improvement, and the ability to lead by example via patience, resilience, and compassion.
Every team I am a part of and project I manage benefits from my 20+ years of dedication to teaching and my craft as an educator.